Accessibility Feedback Form

We would like to hear from you about the accessibility of municipal goods, services, and facilities. What was good? What can be improved? And what barriers may exist?

Please tell us about your experience and provide feedback on the Municipality of Meaford’s accessibility.

Is your feedback about a municipal service, program, or facility?
Is your feedback about a customer service experience?
Do you want us to contact you?

The Accessibility Feedback form is available in alternate formats or communication support upon request. Please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at or at (519) 538-1060 extention 1100 to discuss how best we can meet your needs.

This information is collected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56, s.29(2) for the purpose of improving accessibility to municipal goods, services, and facilities.

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